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THANK YOU for attending our Spring Meeting!  We appreciate the collective collaboration that happens during our time together. 

We look forward to seeing you at CAMT in July! 

About Us

The Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics is THE premiere mathematics leadership organization in Texas!

Mission Statement

The Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics is a mathematics education organization that equips and empowers a diverse education community to engage in leadership that supports, sustains, and inspires high-quality mathematics teaching and learning every day for each and every learner.

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Member Benefits

TASM hosts three events throughout the year, a fall and spring conference and a summer business meeting before CAMT.  During the fall and spring conferences, members have the opportunity to learn from national and international speakers about important work in the field of mathematics education leaderships. Additionally, members gain access to a network of experienced educators, innovators, and leaders in mathematics education across the state. 

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Upcoming Events

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Featured Materials


You can find numerous resources from the Texas Education Agency, the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, the National Council for Supervisors of Mathematics, the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, and the Texas Council for Teachers of Mathematics!


President's Post

Ever wonder what is going on with TASM in between meetings? Catch up with the President's Post, a monthly newsletter to share about mathematics education and the great work our leaders are doing around the state.

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©Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics

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